ဂ်ီေမးလ္အေကာင့္ အသစ္ဖြင့္ရန္ အခက္အခဲ ႀကံဳေနရာမွ ယခုအခါ ကိုယ္တုိင္ အခမဲ့ အေကာင့္အသစ္ ေလွ်ာက္ထားႏုိင္ေတာ့မည္ ျဖစ္သည္။ Unknown Object ဆုိင္မ်ားကို အခေၾကးေငြေပး၍ ေဆာင္ရြက္စရာ မလိုေတာ့ဘဲ ယခု နည္းလမ္းကို အသံုးျပဳပါက အေကာင့္အသစ္ကို လြယ္ကူစြာ ရရွိႏုိင္မည္။ ဂ်ီေမးလ္ အေကာင့္အသစ္ ဖြင့္လိုသူမ်ား အေနျဖင့္ ဂ်ီေမးလ္ အေကာင့္ကို Web Proxy မွ ေက်ာ္ၿပီး ဖြင့္၍ ရႏုိင္ၿပီျဖစ္ေၾကာင္း သိရသည္။ ဂ်ီေမးလ္ အေကာင့္မ်ားသည္ ယခုအခါ သမား႐ိုးက်နည္းႏွင့္ ဖြင့္ရန္ ခက္ခဲေနၿပီး အခုေနာက္ပိုင္း ျမန္မာျပည္တြင္ ဂ်ီေမးလ္ အေကာင့္ဖြင့္ရန္ ခက္ခဲေနသည္မွာ ကာလ အေတာ္တန္ၾကာခဲ့ၿပီ ျဖစ္သည္။
ထုိကဲ့သုိ႔ Proxy ေက်ာ္ဖြင့္ရာ၌ Login Name ကို Check Availability မစစ္ရဘဲ လိုအပ္သည္မ်ားကို အားလံုး ျဖည့္စြက္ၿပီး ေနာက္ဆံုး Account လုပ္ရန္ ႏွိပ္လုိက္သည့္အခါ Login Name မရလွ်င္ ျပန္ျဖည့္ထည့္ၿပီး ျပန္ဖြင့္ရမည္နည္းမွာ – ပထမဦးစြာhttp://hidemyass.com ကို အရင္သြားရမည္ ျဖစ္သည္။ ၿပီးလွ်င္ Box ထဲတြင္ https://mail.google.com ဟု ႐ိုက္ထည့္ၿပီး Hide My Ass Button ကိုႏွိပ္ရမည္။ ထုိ႔သို႔ ႏွိပ္၍ Access denied ဟုေပၚေနလွ်င္ https://mail.google.com ဟု ႐ိုက္ထည့္ရမည္ျဖစ္ၿပီး Box ေအာက္နားေလးမွ SSL Security ကို On ထားရသည္။ ထုိကဲ့သို႔ ျပဳလုပ္ၿပီး Gmail Window က်လာလ်င္ Creat an account ကိုကလစ္လုိက္ၿပီး ပံုမွန္ ေဆာင္ရြက္ေနက် အတုိင္း ျဖည့္စြက္ၿပီး အေကာင့္ဖြင့္ရမည္ ျဖစ္သည္။ သို႔ေသာ္ ဤသို႔ အေကာင့္အသစ္ ဖြင့္ရာ၌ ကြန္နက္ရွင္ ေကာင္းမြန္ရန္ လုိအပ္ၿပီး ကြန္နက္ရွင္ ေႏွးေနလွ်င္ သံုးေလးေခါက္ေလာက္ ႀကိဳးစားျဖည့္စြက္ၿပီး ဖြင့္ရန္ F5 ခလုတ္ကို ႏွိပ္ေပးရမည္ ျဖစ္သည္။GSM ဖုန္းမ်ား ႏွင့္ မိမိကြန္ျပဴတာအား အင္တာနတ္ခ်ိတ္ဆက္ျခင္း
လိုအပ္တဲ့ modern driver မ်ားအတြက္
1.Samsung modern driver download here
2.LG modern driver download here
3.HTC modern driver download here
4.Huawei modern driver download here
5.Nokia modern driver downlaod here1, here2,here3
၁။ပထမဦးစြာ Start ထဲမွ Run ကုိ သြားပါ။
၂။Run တြင္ ncpa.cpl ဟုရုိက္ထည့္ပါ။
၃။ထုိအခါ Network Connections Box ေပၚလာလိမ့္မည္။ ေဘးမွ Network Tasks ထဲမွ Create a new connection ကုိ ႏွိပ္ပါ။
၄။New Connection Wizard ေပၚလာပါလိမ့္မည္။ Next ကုိ ေရႊးပါ။ ထုိ႔ေနာက္ Connect to the Internet ကို ေရႊးျပီး Next ကုိ ႏွိပ္ပါ။
၅။အလယ္မွ Set up my connection manually ကုိ ေရႊးခ်ယ္ပါ။ ဖုန္းနဲ႔ ခ်ိတ္ဆက္မည္ျဖစ္ပါသျဖင့္ Connect Using a dial-up modem ကိုေရႊးခ်ယ္ပါ။ ISP Name ေနရာ တြင္ မိမိၾကိဳက္ႏွစ္သက္ရာ နာမည္ေပးပါ။ Phone Number ေနရာတြင္ *99# ကုိ ရုိက္ထည့္ပါ။
၆။ထုိ႔ေနာက္ Username ေနရာတြင္ mptnet ဟုရုိက္ထည့္ပါ။
၇။Password ေနရာတြင္ မိမိ ႏွစ္သက္ရာကုိ ထည့္သြင္းေရးသားပါ။ေအာက္မွ Confirm Password ေနရာတြင္ အေပၚမွ Password ကုိ ျပန္လည္ေရးသားပါ။
၈။ထုိ႔ေနာက္ Completing Wizard သို႔ ေရာက္လာေသာအခါ Desktop ေပၚတြင္ Shortcuts တင္မလားဟု ေမးလာေသာ စာသားကုိ အမွန္ျခစ္ေပးပါ။ ထုိ႔ေနာက္ Finish လုပ္ပါ။
windown 7
window 7 ေတြမွာ window and network sharing center ေရာက္ရင္
Set up a new connection or network ထဲ၀င္ Set up a dial-up connection ကိုထဲထက္၀င္လိုက္ပါ။
Set up a connection anyway ကို ထပ္ေရြးေပးလိုက္ပါ။Dial up phone number ကို *99# ကုိ ရုိက္ထည့္ပါ။username mptnet။password ထည့္လည္းရတယ္ မထည့္လားရပါတယ္။ ၿပီးရင္ create လုပ္လိုက္ပါ။
အဆင္မေျပတာရိွရင္ ေမးလ္ပို႔လိုက္ပါ။
pyaephyoaung509@gmail.com & heinzaw2k12@gmail.com ပို႔ထားလို႔ရပါတယ္။
Huawei U8836D Installing CWM
ကြန္ပ်ဳတာမွာ ဒီ Driver ေလးအရင္ install လုပ္လိုက္ပါ(MT6577 USB VCOM drivers)
Driver ေလးက ဒီမွာ ေဒါင္းလိုက္ပါ။
Driver ေလးက ဒီမွာ ေဒါင္းလိုက္ပါ။
ဖုန္းမွာ USB debugging ကိုအမွန္ျခစ္ပါ
ဖုန္းကို Bettery ျဖဳတ္ထား
SP Flash Tool ကိုဇစ္ျဖည္လိုက္ ျပီးရင္ flashtool application .exe ကို run လိုက္ပါ။
F9 ကိုႏွိပ္ လိုက္ပါ Box တခုၾကလာလွ်င္ OK ေပးလိုက္ပါ။
Scatter-loading ကိုကလစ္ႏွိပ္ပါ
ဇစ္ျဖည္ထားေသာ U8836D CWM Recovery V6.0.1.2 ဖိုင္ထဲကို၀င္ျပီး MT6577_Android_scatter_emmc ကို select ေပးျပီး open ကိုႏွိပ္လိုက္ပါ
Box အၾကီးၾကီး တခုထပ္ၾကလာလွ်င္ OK ကိုႏွိပ္လိုက္ပါ
recovery ႏွင္. logo အားအမွန္ျခစ္ထားပါ
Battery မပါေသာဖုန္းအား usb ၾကိဳးအသံုးျပဴျပီးကြန္ပ်ဴတာႏွင္.တြဲလိုက္ပါ
အစိမ္း အ၀ိုင္းေလးျမင္ရျပီး 100% ျပည္သြားလွ်င္သင္ရဲ.လုပ္ေဆာင္ခ်က္ေအာင္ျမင္ပါျပီ
ဖုန္းအား Battery ျပန္တပ္ (Power + Voume up) ႏွိပ္ျပီး CWM ထဲ၀င္လို္က္ပါ။
ကဲ.ဗ်ာသင္ၾကိဳက္တဲ. custom rom တင္ခ်င္လည္း တင္
Google application ထည္.ခ်င္လည္းထည္.လို.ရျပီ
လိုတဲ.ဖိုင္ေတြဒီမွာေဒါင္းဗ်ာ ဒီမွာရယူပါလိုေသာဖိုင္မ်ားကို
ကၽႊန္ေတာ္လည္းကိုယ္စမ္းသပ္ျပီးမွကူးယူေဖာ္ျပထားတာပါ ။
မိတ္ေဆြတုိ.ရဲ.ရဲ.တာစမ္းတခုခုျဖစ္ရင္ကၽႊန္ေတာ္တာ၀န္မဟုတ္ဘူး ( Do as your own risk)
ျပန္ဆိုေတးေလးေပါ.ဗ်ာ သူမ်ားထြင္ထားတာကိုဘာသာျပန္ျပီးတင္ထားတာပါ
သားစိုးလည္း copy ကိုဟိန္းလည္း copy
Serial Key
* ACDSee 4 O-Power pack suite .......708-801- 298-633-437- 541* Adobe Acrobat 6.0 professional' s)...1118- 1911-4821- 7104-6966- 4189
* Adobe Acrobat 6.0 profesional( 5cd).1118- 1358-8576- 4538-6053- 6920
* Adobe Acrobat 6.0 professional. .....1118- 1827-3832- 9514-8390- 2863
* Adobe Acrobat 6.0 professional. .....1118- 1116-2299- 4729-9672- 0317
* Adobe Acrobat 6.0 professional. .....1118- 1434-0839- 7048-0604- 8104
* Adobe Acrobat 6.0 professionals. .....1118- 1094-5318- 4976-5520- 0966
* Adobe Acrobat 6.0 professional. .....1118- 1048-3029- 1402-5780- 8390
* Adobe Acrobat 5.0 ............ .....KWW500R7150 122-128
* Adobe Acrobat 5.0 unl. ............ KWW500U6814339- 105
* Adobe Acrobat Capture 3.0 .........WJW300R122 9020-850
* Adobe Audition 1.0 ............ ....1135- 1819-7359- 2042-7491- 0497
* Adobe After Effects 6.0 ...........1063- 1253-5173- 5245-2713- 1998
* Adobe After Effects 5.5 ...........EWW470R1 001999-030- 259
* Adobe After Effects 5.0 unl. ......EWW500U291775 8-331
* Adobe Creative Suite (2cd)....... ..1131-1028- 1537-2956- 7072-0359
* Adobe Creative Suite Premium (5cd).1131-1126- 1139-6167- 4149-2097
* Adobe Encore DVD 1.0 ............ ..11191840807128 9050282344
* Adobe Elements 2.0 ............ ....1057- 4427-8084- 7059-3638- 1053
* Adobe Frame Maker 7.0 ............ .103012088265 345892877077
* Adobe Go Live CS (5cd)....... ......1033- 4126-7217- 4976-2131- 6373
* Adobe Go Live CS (5cd)....... ......1033- 1477-9876- 4091-8712- 2371
* Adobe Go Live 6.0 ............ .....1033- 1127-2515- 4365-9787- 1611
* Adobe Go Live 5.0 unl. ............ GJW500U1811409- 339
* Adobe Illustrator CS 11.0 .........1034- 1455-6929- 6298-0325- 2279
* Adobe Illustrator CS 11.0 .........1034- 1050-8697- 5540-0366- 7862
* Adobe Illustrator 10.0 ............ 1034-1003- 4400-0000- 1115-2040
* Adobe Illustrator 9.0 unl. ........ABW900U2925 1590-898- 567
* Adobe InCopy CS ............ .......1036- 4425-0465- 5818-2112- 5970
* Adobe In Design CS ............ ....1037- 1064-1247- 2171-9446- 8530
* Adobe In Design 2.0 ............ ...1037-1206- 1879-8486- 1803-3172
* Adobe Live Motion 2.0 ............ .1038-1122- 4403-2805- 2740-1096
* Adobe Page Maker 7.0 ............ ..1039-1121- 2998-7586- 7388-7545
* Adobe Page Maker 6.0 unl. .........03W600U113 3114-901
* Adobe Photoshop CS.......... .......1131- 1028-1537- 2956-7072- 0359
* Adobe Photoshop 7.0 ............ ...1045-1209- 6738-4668- 7696-2783
* Adobe Photoshop 6.0 ............ ...PWW600R710546 7-948
* Adobe Photoshop 6.0 unl. ..........PWW600U75 83048-500
* Adobe Photoshop 5.0 ............ ...PWW400r710633 7-339
* Adobe Photoshop Elements 2.0 ......1057-4427- 8084-7059- 3638-1053
* Adobe Photoshop Album 2.0......... .1078-1206- 2363-5688- 9134-1127
* Adobe Premiere Pro 7.0 ............ 1132-1381- 7346-2847- 2617-6783
* Adobe Premiere 6.5 ............ ....MBE600R71000 24-900-960
* Adobe Premiere 6.0 ............ ....MBW600R71007 65-881
* Adobe Premiere 6.0 unl. ...........MBF600U1 840816-346
* Adobe Premiere 5.5 ............ ....MBF420U30002 05-940
* Adobe Premiere 5.0 ............ ....MBF420U30002 05-940
* Adobe Streamline 4.0 unl. .........SBW400U847 5395-113
* Adobe Version Cue CS.......... .....1131- 1495-5771- 5712-7976- 4172
* Audio Grabber 1.8 ............ .....D40D6565B4
* AutoCAD 2002 ............ ......... .400-12345678 ,(cd-key: T4ED6P)
* Autodesk Building Mechanical 2.0 ..400-00436865- VQVR56
* Autodesk Building Systems 2004.....400- 12345678 + crack
* Autodesk Envision 8.0......... .....400- 12345678
* Autodesk Invertor 5.0......... .....444- 44444444 ,(cd-key: XA2ZDX)
* Autodesk Mechanical Desktop 4.0 ...112-19990930 (5PPSUV)+(CCGMPVEAA TQN)
* Autodesk CIVIL 3D 2004........ .....400- 00000000
* Black Ice Defender 2.1......... ....FFE1E- RS-DCEF0
* Boris RED 3.0 ............ ......... AG0303-0644777- 15M17
* Boris FX 6.0 ............ ......... .123456-123456- 12349
* Borland J++ Builder..... ......... ..XA52-?NPKV- GCQZW ,(cd-key: M69-TET)
* Borland J-Builder 6.0 ent......... .8UQG-SPX3VN- NSKA7M-MWAV, (auth-key: 7AH-ET7)
* Borland J-Builder 5.0 ............ .XA52-?NPKV- GCQZW ,(cd-key: M69-TET)
* Borland J-Builder 4.0 ............ .xd62-2222y- qpgr? ,(cd-key: c3t-mdz)
* Borland J-Builder 4.0 ............ .xa22-?hrs5- 2ubgs ,(cd-key: f2j-46g)
* Borland Delphi 7.0 ent.suite... ....6AMD- PKG68E-DB8PP7- N7GE (Key:S6J-8AW)
* Borland Delphi 7.0 ............ ....6AKD- PD29Q9-RDF? JQ-X65Z (Key:QX8-EEC)
* Borland Delphi 6.0 ............ ....Z9J8- PUM4N-C6GZQ ,(cd-key: RW2-7JW)
* Borland Delphi 6.0 ............ ....j64m- dpu2t-srbea ,(cd-key: c68-p3b)
* Borland Delphi 6.0 ent. ...........p48n- b77mf-yqt7g ,(cd-key: my9-rne)
* Borland Delphi 5.0 ............ ....111-111- 1111 ,(cd-key: FEX1-91X0)
* Borland Delphi 5.0 ent. ...........200- 002-0839 ,(cd-key: 3CX0-91X0)
* Britannica 2004 ............ .......111111111 1111111
* Britannica 2003 ............ .......C3CA1ACA0 0012345
* Britannica 2003 ............ .......C3BA1AHA0 0000017
* Steinberg's Cubase SX 2.0 .........1080201188
* Steinberg DVD Movie Copy Suite 6.5.25311-41300019-33092
* Sybase SQL Anywhare Studio 8.0 ....DEPCKAQQREAC000029800715933513-00-0800-01
* Ulead COOL 3D Studio 1.0 ..........274A5-11085-78578888
* Ulead DVD PictureShow 2.0 .........111A6-12000-00132624
* Ulead DVD Workshop 2.0 ............1RO02-520RO-RORRORO6
* Ulead DVD Workshop 1.x ............96302-51072-24530822
* Ulead DVD MovieFactory 2.0 ........111A2-62000-00300082
* Ulead Gif Animator 5.0 ............11103-85011-21226004
* Ulead Media Studio 7.0 pro.........011A2-27042-0190DCN4
* Ulead Media Studio 6.5 ............12202-2650-000481114
* Ulead PhotoImpact XL-2CD...........111A3-08500-00002098
* Ulead PhotoImpact 7.0 .............111103-07000-00001531
* Ulead VideoStudio 7.0 .............RORA2-870RO-ROROROR1
* Veritas Storage Reporter 3.5.......NEZ9-UCGW-PP3F-L3PN-ZBNM-7HP6
* Visual Foxpro prof. 8.0 ...........TCJC7-H2QDH-3T7G7-R6RTM-YRK3Y
* VirtuaGirl ? ......................name: 82949 / password: 16907
* VirtuaGirl 1.22....................name: 8866688 / Serial: 97917
* WinBoost 2001 Gold-v2.0 ...........AT9D3-D732-LX57-8L2U
* QuarkXpress 6.0 Passport M........TVWXNX-XCUVE2-641HQH-TWK7GH-RKGV12-E1ETPW-14X57Y-38WRH +crack
* QuarkXpress 5.0 ...................39173027QHSKKJF319 9PYJX2
* QuickBooks Pro 2004................09701-42330-29602-400004
* Xara Webstyle 4.0.......................XWS-5299-5077-6209
* X-OOM DivX2DVD 5.0......................L14LQ-VX1ER-F8LDW-GXDS3-6ZVXV
* X-OOM Video Clean ......................3GP0G-9BHX4-HCJE5-EPKFP-CYMQB
* X E.ON.Software.Vue.4.Professional......MOV4-31682-S-74523-QMT-SN
* Zone Alarm 4 Pro...................38ct1-bqf8g-x9jnr-tfth7c-3iu540
* 3D Studio Max 5.0 .................s/n: 226-19791979 ,(+cd-key: XLSQBQ) (+request code: 3175446920385491), (+authorization: SATW 6Z7U WJGW CSCP)
* 3D Studio Max 4.2 .................s/n: 226-19791979 ,(+cd-key: XLSQBQ)
* Cakewalk Music Creator Pro 24......MC242. 21-002222
* Cakewalk MediaWorks.. ......... .....CWMW1. 00-0099687135be- 1339bd-1a33- 5c670
* CakeWalk Home Studio XL ...........CWHX1. 02-002397
* CakeWalk Pyro 2004........ ......... CWPY3.00- 030499
* CakeWalk Pyro 2003 ............ ....CWPY2. 00-006173
* CakeWalk Plasma ............ .......cwpl1. 02-001778
* Cakewalk Sonar 3 Producer.... ......CWSP3. 00-031374
* Cakewalk Sonar 3 VSamler3.... ......VS3- 6B2736CC- FE164B58- 987E5FCC- 71F211B7
* Cakewalk Sonar XL 2.0 ............ .CWSX2.00- 002841
* CakeWalk Guitar Tracks ver2 .......CWGT2. 00-017973 (cd-key:442- 200177-7700)
* CANOPUS Video FX Transitions. ......PA- VFTRT-1X1XD- 0XX3P-XX4XE
* Copernic 2000 plus........ ......... 032-622305744 ,(John Peterson(Johnson) )
* CorelDraw Graphics Suite 12 (3xCD).DR12WEX- 1504397-KTY
* CorelDraw 11.0 ............ ........DR11CRD- 0012082-DGW
* CorelDraw 10.0 ............ ........D10NR- 3284253T76
* Corel WordPerfect Office 11........WS11WRD- 2452003-TTF
* Corel XMETAL 4.03........ ......... .XA04WBZ- 1101000-LCW
* Corel Painter 8.0 ............ .....PF08CUM- 0516190-DCN
* Contrast Plan Plus Millenium... ....P2-2437
* CyberLink PowerProducer 2.0 .......RR3161055526 2035
* CyberLink PowerDirector 3.0 .......RW8723538864 4278
* CyberLink PowerCinema 3.0 .........CN49313486 814599
* CyberLink PowerDVD 5 Gold .........MV39749288 155697
* Deep Space Explorer ............ ...D4-2188
* DesignCAD 3D Max 12 ............ ...1206-0426- 5400
* Drive Image 7.0......... ......... ..AY3A-PH7J- 3DM6-R7KR- 6XJT
* Easy CD Creator 5.0 platinium... ...P-7TGQ4- G06CM-N5G1Lejay DJ Mix Station 2.............CYTC-7R6B- 6N74A
* Encyclopedia of Circuits Suite.....DODROXHY
* Eovia Carrara Studio 3.0......... ..RF30CRD- 0000818-VVS
* Imaginate 1.0 ............ ......... PA-IMISO- XG44L-XXG0L- 4G044
* Intuitive MX ............ ......... .NEHRY-SKTPE- ZUHWU-SXUAW
* Instant Copy 7.0 ............ ......AAOUQ- AAJKP-MBLFQ- YNPHA-BIGCA
* kurs AUTOCAD (Multimedia) ......... .ser.br:9830H062 691 / KON.BR:39E04L23 /datum 21.12.1999/ rez.1024x768
* Macromedia Studio MX 2004........ ..WSD700- 04068-87200- 78579
* Macromedia Authorware 6.0 .........APW600- 08018-27284- 59356
* Macromedia Contribute MX 2004......CTO200- 00256-07216- 25510
* Macromedia Director Studio 8.5 ....WDW850-02044- 87235-26475
* Macromedia DreamWeaver MX.......... WSW600-03579- 37260-92763
* Macromedia DreamWeaver 4.0 ........WBW400- 06648-47236- 27654
* Macromedia FireWorks MX.......... ..WSW600- 03579-37260- 92763
* Macromedia FireWorks 4.0 ..........WBW400- 06648-47236- 27654
* Macromedia Flash MX.......... ......FLW600- 59739-97340- 25714
* Macromedia Flash MX.......... ......WSW600- 03579-37260- 92763
* Macromedia Fontographer 4.1 .......65241- 0499-0166- 21702
* Macromedia Freehand 10.0 ..........WSW600- 03579-37260- 92763
* Macromedia Homesite+... ......... ...WSW600- 03579-37260- 92763
* Mathematica 4.0 ............ .......52109- 11310-47983- 00
* MathCAD 2001i ............ ......... RT105112UP0073 + crack
* MatLab 6.5......... ......... ......13- 22955-32678- 26249-06848- 40366-39620- 03472-0 9765-2
0949-30945-19673- 43738-38950- 44548
* Mathworks Suite 13 SP1with Matlab6..... ......... .13-22935- 54640-30039- 45949-41945- 37494-18536- 34124-630 74-33671-08341-01230- 63402-23598
* MediaStudio Pro 7........... .......011A2- 27042-0190DCN4
* MS Office 2003 11.0 ............ ...GWH28- DGCMP-P6RC4- 6J4MT-3HFDY
* MS Office FrontPage 2003........ ...WFDWY- XQXJF-RHRYG- BG7RQ-BBDHM
* MS Office Visio 2003........ .......WFDWY- XQXJF-RHRYG- BG7RQ-BBDHM
* MS Office Project 2003 Pro......... WFDWY-XQXJF- RHRYG-BG7RQ- BBDHM
* MS Office OneNoteT 2003........ ....WFDWY- XQXJF-RHRYG- BG7RQ-BBDHM
* MS Office Publisher 2003........ ...WFDWY- XQXJF-RHRYG- BG7RQ-BBDHM
* MS Office XP ............ ......... .FM9FY-TMF7Q- KCKCT-V9T29- TBBBG
* MS Office XP croatian ............ .Q672P-X37V4- M6RHQ-JX3D9- F49RQ
* MS Office 2000 beta........ ........MP4F9- W6C8V-HTCCT- T7M7R-Y7K3Y
* MS Visual FoxPro profesional 8.0 ..TCJC7-H2QDH- 3T7G7-R6RTM- YRK3Y
* MS Visual Studio.Net 7 (ent.ed) ...D64GG-GXY6T- V6FTR-WCPBB- 2YDYB
* MS Windows Longhorn Alpha 4.053....TCP8W- T8PQJ-WWRRH- QH76C-99FBW
* MS Windows Longhorn Beta 4.015.....CKY24- Q8QRH-X3KMR- C6BCY-T847Y
* MS Windows XP-Final with SP1 ......7QVT6- T2738-WRKJB- YKRFQ-XVK98
* MS Windows XP profesional (beta)...FCKGW- RHQQ2-YXRKT- 8TG6W-2B7Q8
* MS Windows XP home........ ......... BQJG2-2MJT7- H7F6K-XW98B- 4HQRQ
* MS Windows ME final....... ......... B6BYC-6T7C3- 4PXRW-2XKWB- GYV33
* MS Windows ME.......... ......... ...HBTD9- 6P338-XT2MV- QBTTF-WPGGB
* MS Windows 2003 Server 3in1 .......JB88F- WT2Q3-DPXTT- Y8GHG-7YYQY
* MS Windows 2000 professional. .......RM233- 2PRQQ-FR4RH- JP89H-46QYB, (X04-98176)
* MS Windows 2000 prof/120 day.......RBDC9- VTRC8-D7972- J97JY-PRVMG, (X05-48965)
* MS Windows 98 SE.......... ......... QYHDT-7B4VX- XFH2P-JV7PJ- VGC9D
* MS Windows 98 SE.......... ......... HQ6K2-QPC42- 3HWDM-BF4KJ- W4XWJ
* MS Windows 98 ............ ......... K4HVD-Q9TJ9- 6CRX9-C9G68- RQ2D3
* MS Windows 98 ............ ......... HGBRM -RBK3V-M9FXV- YCXDK-V38J4
* MS Windows 97 (95 OSR2)....... .....00100- OEM-0123456- 00100
* MS Windows 97 (95 OSR2)....... .....14195- OEM-0000043- 27166
* MS Windows Small Business Server Standard Edition 2003 4CD........BBGC6- TXDG9-J9CDW- JXK3R-GTMMB
* MS Proofing Tools 2003........ .....WMMF8- W93RH-BVPFM- WBMHT-DFCFG
* Native Instruments Vokator 1.0.....5080- 01001-01001- 50011-00101
* NeoDVD...... ......... ......... .....w4jya- 0389v-hcfxa- ebj80-yhzza
* NetObjects Fusion 7.0 ............ .NFW-700- R-010-18822- 37395
* NetObjects Fusion 7.5 ............ .NFW-750- R-215-00077- 25454
* NERO 6.3 Powerpack Retail...... ....1A25- 0006-7130- 1352-4239- 7903
* NERO 6 Ultra Edition..... ......... .1A23-0006- 7130-1204- 8976-4901
* NERO 6 Ultra Edition..... ......... .1A23-7081- 2054-8977- 8403-2561
* Norton AntiVirus 2004........ ......VHJFC2P7FB HKVQ88JYCBBJ4
* Norton AntiVirus 2004........ ......VH9VFRM8BB HKV3DWV7RBBGJ or
* Norton AntiVirus 2004........ ......VHTQ- FFTW-CBHK- VDKP-J9MV- BBJ4
* Norton AntiVirus 2004 prof........ .VCT3-63XD- 6BBD-2BBM- GBGJ-WDXD
* Norton AntiVirus 2004 prof........ .V7T2-C3Y2- JBBD-243M- QWGR-6KMB
* Norton AntiSpam 2004........ .......VQHV- T8H2-YBBF- DQ4H-D7BB- BBWR
* Norton Ghost 2002 ............ .....BB2566D65E2 D
* Omnipage Pro 12.0 office...... .....E789X- DCN-019066
* Photo/Graphic Edges 6.0......... ...97-6608015353 -301133267- E1201466645
* Pinnacle Instant CD DVD 8.0........ABGOE- AAKYY-ORUSH- MLHBA-CPKPA
* Pinnacle Instant Copy 8.0 .........AARTO- AAFQN-YGWFK- HJLMA-AAAAA
* Pinnacle Instant Video Album 1.01..7777777777
* Pinnacle Holywood FX 4.0 ..........HFXMP- SLV-000238- 15R
* Pinnacle Studio 9.0 ............ ...11111- 11111-11111- 11111-11111
* Pinnacle Studio 8.8.15 ............ 4517535441
* Pinnacle Studio 8.3 ............ ...1555856630
* Pinnacle steinberg clean plus 5....BBDPE-BAPLJ- BFVPA-GRRPA- DBZMA
* PowerQuest V2i Protector 2.0.......AY3A- PH7J-3FNQ- JPTR-YFGW
* PowerQuest V2i Protector 2.0.......AY3A- PH7J-3G4Y- ADQQ-HTWD
* PowerQuest Partition Magic 7.0 ....PM700ENEU- 110965
* PowerQuest Drive Image 7.01........ AY3A-PH7J- 3DM6-R7KR- 6XJT
* PowerDirector Pro 2.5 ............ .RR7314611713953 6
* Primavera Project Planner 3.0 .....50122-77293- 2474-1104497
* Propellerheads Reason 2.5......... .RSN250-0000- 005336-NVV3- CGDJ-DR5Sv
* Propellerheads Reason 2.5......... .RSN250-0009- 101923-B4N8- UHBY-AP6X
* RED 1.5 Boris FX.......... ......... 123708-326183- 00615
* RED 1.5 Boris FX.......... ......... 123348-366123- 77695
* ReadIris Pro 9.0(OCR).... ......... .438111400159753
* Route 66 Prof. 2004........ ........2582121Z VNK26
* Roxio Easy Media Creator 7.0 ......YN-Y7WVY- CQXG6-K3KWZ
* Roxio WinonCD 6.0 DVD edition .....1C-HT789- SB62B-3YK12
* Roxio GoBack 3.03........ ......... .CB-ZM2VN- 5YP61-7N1VD
* ScanSoft Dragon Naturally Speaking Preferred... ......A109A- G00-006420
* ScreenBlast Acid 4.0 ............ ..FB-XZ51GN- JS8L5G-X3YVEX
* ScreenBlast Movie Studio 3.0 ......FC-TZPCH4- C2PNR3-FFTZ3X
Solidworks serial: 9980 0999 9191 7951 auth code: 7D9YY253
Solidworks office serial: 9980 0999 9191 7951 auth code: V0E3J979
Solidworks office pro serial: 9980 0999 9191 7951 auth code: JA5O631B
* Sonar XL.......... ......... ........CWSX1. 00-009999
* Sonic MyDVD Video Suite 4.0 .......BDVQHQBTDGYN HQVS3 IamaLOZER
* Sonic Foundry Video Factory 2.0 ...9L-Z13XJF- SDJ1P3-SNY76P
* Sonic Foundry CD Architect 5.0 ....B5-C4CLC3- ZOY85H-49WE8W
* Sony Pictures ScreenBlast MovieStudio F9-S431QS-K894NC- 6LWNJP
* SPSS 12.0 ............ ......... ....5676 5034 7681 8288 2379 1238 3252 9988 8641 9306 27
* Stainberg Clean 3.0 ............ ... ? DL23-8C73-24Y9- MS5 iliDZ08-FLU6- 97K1-PM4
(Win9x S/N: ST22-Y7YM8VV- EPPNBY8-V8H)
(WinNT S/N: ST22-Y7YPG2Y)
* Steinberg's Cubase SX 2.0 .........1080201188
* Steinberg DVD Movie Copy Suite 6.5.25311-41300019- 33092
* Sybase SQL Anywhare Studio 8.0....DEPCKAQQREAC 0000298007159335 13-00-0800- 01
* Ulead COOL 3D Studio 1.0 ..........274A5- 11085-78578888
* Ulead DVD PictureShow 2.0 .........111A6- 12000-00132624
* Ulead DVD Workshop 2.0 ............ 1RO02-520RO- RORRORO6
* Ulead DVD Workshop 1.x ............ 96302-51072- 24530822
* Ulead DVD MovieFactory 2.0 ........111A2- 62000-00300082
* Ulead Gif Animator 5.0 ............ 11103-85011- 21226004
* Ulead Media Studio 7.0 pro......... 011A2-27042- 0190DCN4
* Ulead Media Studio 7.0 pro......... 011A2-27042- 0190DCN4
* Ulead Media Studio 6.5 ............ 12202-2650- 000481114
* Ulead PhotoImpact XL-2CD...... .....111A3- 08500-00002098
* Ulead PhotoImpact 7.0 ............ .111103-07000- 00001531
* Ulead VideoStudio 7.0 ............ .RORA2-870RO- ROROROR1
* Veritas Storage Reporter 3.5.......NEZ9- UCGW-PP3F- L3PN-ZBNM- 7HP6
* Visual Foxpro prof. 8.0 ...........TCJC7- H2QDH-3T7G7- R6RTM-YRK3Y
* VirtuaGirl ? ............ ......... .name: 82949 / password: 16907
* VirtuaGirl 1.22........ ......... ...name: 8866688 / Serial: 97917
* WinBoost 2001 Gold-v2.0 ...........AT9D3- D732-LX57- 8L2U
* QuarkXpress 6.0 Passport M........TVWXNX- XCUVE2-641HQH- TWK7GH-RKGV12- E1ETPW-14X57Y- 38WRH +crack
* QuarkXpress 5.0 ............ .......39173027Q HSKKJF319 9PYJX2
* QuickBooks Pro 2004........ ........09701- 42330-29602- 400004
* Xara Webstyle 4.0......... ......... .....XWS- 5299-5077- 6209
* X-OOM DivX2DVD 5.0......... ......... ....L14LQ- VX1ER-F8LDW- GXDS3-6ZVXV
* X-OOM Video Clean ............ ......... .3GP0G-9BHX4- HCJE5-EPKFP- CYMQB
* X E.ON.Software. Vue.4.Profession al......MOV4- 31682-S-74523- QMT-SN
* Zone Alarm 4 Pro......... ......... .38ct1-bqf8g- x9jnr-tfth7c- 3iu540
* 3D Studio Max 5.0 ............ .....s/n: 226-19791979 ,(+cd-key: XLSQBQ)
(+request code: 3175446920385491) , (+authorization: SATW 6Z7U WJGW CSCP)
* 3D Studio Max 4.2 ............ .....s/n: 226-19791979 ,(+cd-key: XLSQBQ)
* ACDSee 4.O-Power pack suite........708-801-298-633-437-541
* Adobe Acrobat 6.0 profesional(s)...1118-1911-4821-7104-6966-4189
* Adobe Acrobat 6.0 profesional(5cd).1118-1358-8576-4538-6053-6920
* Adobe Acrobat 6.0 profesional......1118-1827-3832-9514-8390-2863
* Adobe Acrobat 6.0 profesional......1118-1116-2299-4729-9672-0317
* Adobe Acrobat 6.0 profesional......1118-1434-0839-7048-0604-8104
* Adobe Acrobat 6.0 profesional......1118-1094-5318-4976-5520-0966
* Adobe Acrobat 6.0 profesional......1118-1048-3029-1402-5780-8390
* Adobe Acrobat 5.0 .................KWW500R7150122-128
* Adobe Acrobat 5.0 unl. ............KWW500U6814339-105
* Adobe Acrobat Capture 3.0 .........WJW300R1229020-850
* Adobe Audition 1.0 ................1135-1819-7359-2042-7491-0497
* Adobe After Effects 6.0 ...........1063-1253-5173-5245-2713-1998
* Adobe After Effects 5.5 ...........EWW470R1001999-030-259
* Adobe After Effects 5.0 unl. ......EWW500U2917758-331
* Adobe Creative Suite (2cd).........1131-1028-1537-2956-7072-0359
* Adobe Creative Suite Premium (5cd).1131-1126-1139-6167-4149-2097
* Adobe Encore DVD 1.0 ..............111918408071289050282344
* Adobe Elements 2.0 ................1057-4427-8084-7059-3638-1053
* Adobe Frame Maker 7.0 .............103012088265 345892877077
* Adobe Go Live CS (5cd).............1033-4126-7217-4976-2131-6373
* Adobe Go Live CS (5cd).............1033-1477-9876-4091-8712-2371
* Adobe Go Live 6.0 .................1033-1127-2515-4365-9787-1611
* Adobe Go Live 5.0 unl. ............GJW500U1811409-339
* Adobe Illustrator CS 11.0 .........1034-1455-6929-6298-0325-2279
* Adobe Illustrator CS 11.0 .........1034-1050-8697-5540-0366-7862
* Adobe Illustrator 10.0 ............1034-1003-4400-0000-1115-2040
* Adobe Illustrator 9.0 unl. ........ABW900U29251590-898-567
* Adobe InCopy CS ...................1036-4425-0465-5818-2112-5970
* Adobe In Design CS ................1037-1064-1247-2171-9446-8530
* Adobe In Design 2.0 ...............1037-1206-1879-8486-1803-3172
* Adobe Live Motion 2.0 .............1038-1122-4403-2805-2740-1096
* Adobe Page Maker 7.0 ..............1039-1121-2998-7586-7388-7545
* Adobe Page Maker 6.0 unl. .........03W600U1133114-901
* Adobe Photoshop CS.................1131-1028-1537-2956-7072-0359
* Adobe Photoshop 7.0 ...............1045-1209-6738-4668-7696-2783
* Adobe Photoshop 6.0 ...............PWW600R7105467-948
* Adobe Photoshop 6.0 unl. ..........PWW600U7583048-500
* Adobe Photoshop 5.0 ...............PWW400r7106337-339
* Adobe Photoshop Elements 2.0 ......1057-4427-8084-7059-3638-1053
* Adobe Photoshop Album 2.0..........1078-1206-2363-5688-9134-1127
* Adobe Premiere Pro 7.0 ............1132-1381-7346-2847-2617-6783
* Adobe Premiere 6.5 ................MBE600R7100024-900-960
* Adobe Premiere 6.0 ................MBW600R7100765-881
* Adobe Premiere 6.0 unl. ...........MBF600U1840816-346
* Adobe Premiere 5.5 ................MBF420U3000205-940
* Adobe Premiere 5.0 ................MBF420U3000205-940
* Adobe Streamline 4.0 unl. .........SBW400U8475395-113
* Adobe Version Cue CS...............1131-1495-5771-5712-7976-4172
* Audio Grabber 1.8 .................D40D6565B4
* AutoCAD 2002 ......................400-12345678 ,(cd-key: T4ED6P)
* Autodesk Building Mechanical 2.0 ..400-00436865-VQVR56
* Autodesk Building Systems 2004.....400-12345678 + crack
* Autodesk Envision 8.0..............400-12345678
* Autodesk Invertor 5.0..............444-44444444 ,(cd-key: XA2ZDX)
* Autodesk Mechanical Desktop 4.0 ...112-19990930 (5PPSUV)+(CCGMPVEAATQN)
* Autodesk CIVIL 3D 2004.............400-00000000
* Black Ice Defender 2.1.............FFE1E-RS-DCEF0
* Boris RED 3.0 .....................AG0303-0644777-15M17
* Boris FX 6.0 ......................123456-123456-12349
* Borland J++ Builder................XA52-?NPKV-GCQZW ,(cd-key: M69-TET)
* Borland J-Builder 6.0 ent..........8UQG-SPX3VN-NSKA7M-MWAV,(auth-key: 7AH-ET7)
* Borland J-Builder 5.0 .............XA52-?NPKV-GCQZW ,(cd-key: M69-TET)
* Borland J-Builder 4.0 .............xd62-2222y-qpgr? ,(cd-key: c3t-mdz)
* Borland J-Builder 4.0 .............xa22-?hrs5-2ubgs ,(cd-key: f2j-46g)
* Borland Delphi 7.0 ent.suite.......6AMD-PKG68E-DB8PP7-N7GE (Key:S6J-8AW)
* Borland Delphi 7.0 ................6AKD-PD29Q9-RDF?JQ-X65Z (Key:QX8-EEC)
* Borland Delphi 6.0 ................Z9J8-PUM4N-C6GZQ ,(cd-key: RW2-7JW)
* Borland Delphi 6.0 ................j64m-dpu2t-srbea ,(cd-key: c68-p3b)
* Borland Delphi 6.0 ent. ...........p48n-b77mf-yqt7g ,(cd-key: my9-rne)
* Borland Delphi 5.0 ................111-111-1111 ,(cd-key: FEX1-91X0)
* Borland Delphi 5.0 ent. ...........200-002-0839 ,(cd-key: 3CX0-91X0)
* Britannica 2004 ...................1111111111111111
* Britannica 2003 ...................C3CA1ACA00012345
* Britannica 2003 ...................C3BA1AHA00000017
* Cakewalk Music Creator Pro 24......MC242.21-002222
* Cakewalk MediaWorks................CWMW1.00-009968 7135be-1339bd-1a33-5c670
* CakeWalk Home Studio XL ...........CWHX1.02-002397
* CakeWalk Pyro 2004.................CWPY3.00-030499
* CakeWalk Pyro 2003 ................CWPY2.00-006173
* CakeWalk Plasma ...................cwpl1.02-001778
* Cakewalk Sonar 3 Producer..........CWSP3.00-031374
* Cakewalk Sonar 3 VSamler3..........VS3-6B2736CC-FE164B58-987E5FCC-71F211B7
* Cakewalk Sonar XL 2.0 .............CWSX2.00-002841
* CakeWalk Guitar Tracks ver2 .......CWGT2.00-017973 (cd-key: 442-200177-7700)
* CANOPUS Video FX Transitions.......PA-VFTRT-1X1XD-0XX3P-XX4XE
* Copernic 2000 plus.................032-622305744 ,(John Peterson(Johnson))
* CorelDraw Graphics Suite 12 (3xCD).DR12WEX-1504397-KTY
* CorelDraw 11.0 ....................DR11CRD-0012082-DGW
* CorelDraw 10.0 ....................D10NR-3284253T76
* Corel WordPerfect Office 11........WS11WRD-2452003-TTF
* Corel XMETAL 4.03..................XA04WBZ-1101000-LCW
* Corel Painter 8.0 .................PF08CUM-0516190-DCN
* Contrast Plan Plus Millenium.......P2-2437
* CyberLink PowerProducer 2.0 .......RR31610555262035
* CyberLink PowerDirector 3.0 .......RW87235388644278
* CyberLink PowerCinema 3.0 .........CN49313486814599
* CyberLink PowerDVD 5 Gold .........MV39749288155697
* Deep Space Explorer ...............D4-2188
* DesignCAD 3D Max 12 ...............1206-0426-5400
* Drive Image 7.0....................AY3A-PH7J-3DM6-R7KR-6XJT
* Easy CD Creator 5.0 platinium......P-7TGQ4-G06CM-N5G1L
* ejay DJ Mix Station 2..............CYTC-7R6B-6N74A
* Encyclopedia of Circuits Suite.....DODROXHY
* Eovia Carrara Studio 3.0...........RF30CRD-0000818-VVS
* Imaginate 1.0 .....................PA-IMISO-XG44L-XXG0L-4G044
* Intuitive MX ......................NEHRY-SKTPE-ZUHWU-SXUAW
* Instant Copy 7.0 ..................AAOUQ-AAJKP-MBLFQ-YNPHA-BIGCA
* kurs AUTOCAD (Multimedia)..........ser.br:9830H062691 / KON.BR:39E04L23 / datum 21.12.1999/ rez.1024x768
* Macromedia Studio MX 2004..........WSD700-04068-87200-78579
* Macromedia Authorware 6.0 .........APW600-08018-27284-59356
* Macromedia Contribute MX 2004......CTO200-00256-07216-25510
* Macromedia Director Studio 8.5 ....WDW850-02044-87235-26475
* Macromedia DreamWeaver MX..........WSW600-03579-37260-92763
* Macromedia DreamWeaver 4.0 ........WBW400-06648-47236-27654
* Macromedia FireWorks MX............WSW600-03579-37260-92763
* Macromedia FireWorks 4.0 ..........WBW400-06648-47236-27654
* Macromedia Flash MX................FLW600-59739-97340-25714
* Macromedia Flash MX................WSW600-03579-37260-92763
* Macromedia Fontographer 4.1 .......65241-0499-0166-21702
* Macromedia Freehand 10.0 ..........WSW600-03579-37260-92763
* Macromedia Homesite+...............WSW600-03579-37260-92763
* Mathematica 4.0 ...................52109-11310-47983-00
* MathCAD 2001i .....................RT105112UP0073 + crack
* MatLab 6.5 ........................13-22955-32678-26249-06848-40366-39620-03472-09765-20949-30945-19673-43738-38950-44548
* Mathworks Suite 13 SP1 with Matlab 6...............13-22935-54640-30039-45949-41945-37494-18536-34124-63074-336
* MediaStudio Pro 7..................011A2-27042-0190DCN4
* MS Office 2003 11.0 ...............GWH28-DGCMP-P6RC4-6J4MT-3HFDY
* MS Office FrontPage 2003...........WFDWY-XQXJF-RHRYG-BG7RQ-BBDHM
* MS Office Visio 2003...............WFDWY-XQXJF-RHRYG-BG7RQ-BBDHM
* MS Office Project 2003 Pro.........WFDWY-XQXJF-RHRYG-BG7RQ-BBDHM
* MS Office OneNoteT 2003............WFDWY-XQXJF-RHRYG-BG7RQ-BBDHM
* MS Office Publisher 2003...........WFDWY-XQXJF-RHRYG-BG7RQ-BBDHM
* MS Office XP ......................FM9FY-TMF7Q-KCKCT-V9T29-TBBBG
* MS Office XP croatian .............Q672P-X37V4-M6RHQ-JX3D9-F49RQ
* MS Office 2000 beta................MP4F9-W6C8V-HTCCT-T7M7R-Y7K3Y
* MS Visual FoxPro profesional 8.0 ..TCJC7-H2QDH-3T7G7-R6RTM-YRK3Y
* MS Visual Studio.Net 7 (ent.ed) ...D64GG-GXY6T-V6FTR-WCPBB-2YDYB
* MS Windows Longhorn Alpha 4.053....TCP8W-T8PQJ-WWRRH-QH76C-99FBW
* MS Windows Longhorn Beta 4.015.....CKY24-Q8QRH-X3KMR-C6BCY-T847Y
* MS Windows XP-Final with SP1 ......7QVT6-T2738-WRKJB-YKRFQ-XVK98
* MS Windows XP profesional (beta)...FCKGW-RHQQ2-YXRKT-8TG6W-2B7Q8
* MS Windows XP home.................BQJG2-2MJT7-H7F6K-XW98B-4HQRQ
* MS Windows ME final................B6BYC-6T7C3-4PXRW-2XKWB-GYV33
* MS Windows ME......................HBTD9-6P338-XT2MV-QBTTF-WPGGB
* MS Windows 2003 Server 3in1 .......JB88F-WT2Q3-DPXTT-Y8GHG-7YYQY
* MS Windows 2000 profesional........RM233-2PRQQ-FR4RH-JP89H-46QYB, (X04-98176)
* MS Windows 2000 prof/120 day.......RBDC9-VTRC8-D7972-J97JY-PRVMG, (X05-48965)
* MS Windows 98 SE...................QYHDT-7B4VX-XFH2P-JV7PJ-VGC9D
* MS Windows 98 SE...................HQ6K2-QPC42-3HWDM-BF4KJ-W4XWJ
* MS Windows 98 .....................K4HVD-Q9TJ9-6CRX9-C9G68-RQ2D3
* MS Windows 98 .....................HGBRM-RBK3V-M9FXV-YCXDK-V38J4
* MS Windows 97 (95 OSR2)............00100-OEM-0123456-00100
* MS Windows 97 (95 OSR2)............14195-OEM-0000043-27166
* MS Windows Small Business Server
Standard Edition 2003 4CD........BBGC6-TXDG9-J9CDW-JXK3R-GTMMB
* MS Proofing Tools 2003.............WMMF8-W93RH-BVPFM-WBMHT-DFCFG
* Native Instruments Vokator 1.0.....5080-01001-01001-50011-00101
* NeoDVD.............................w4jya-0389v-hcfxa-ebj80-yhzza
* NetObjects Fusion 7.0 .............NFW-700-R-010-18822-37395
* NetObjects Fusion 7.5 .............NFW-750-R-215-00077-25454
* NERO 6.3 Powerpack Retail..........1A25-0006-7130-1352-4239-7903
* NERO 6 Ultra Edition...............1A23-0006-7130-1204-8976-4901
* NERO 6 Ultra Edition...............1A23-7081-2054-8977-8403-2561
* Norton AntiVirus 2004..............VHJFC2P7FBHKVQ88JYCBBJ4
* Norton AntiVirus 2004..............VH9VFRM8BBHKV3DWV7RBBGJ or
* Norton AntiVirus 2004..............VHTQ-FFTW-CBHK-VDKP-J9MV-BBJ4
* Norton AntiVirus 2004 prof.........VCT3-63XD-6BBD-2BBM-GBGJ-WDXD
* Norton AntiVirus 2004 prof.........V7T2-C3Y2-JBBD-243M-QWGR-6KMB
* Norton AntiSpam 2004...............VQHV-T8H2-YBBF-DQ4H-D7BB-BBWR
* Norton Ghost 2002 .................BB2566D65E2D
* Omnipage Pro 12.0 office...........E789X-DCN-019066
* Photo/Graphic Edges 6.0............97-6608015353-301133267-E1201466645
* Pinnacle Instant CD DVD 8.0........ABGOE-AAKYY-ORUSH-MLHBA-CPKPA
* Pinnacle Instant Copy 8.0 .........AARTO-AAFQN-YGWFK-HJLMA-AAAAA
* Pinnacle Instant Video Album 1.01..7777777777
* Pinnacle Holywood FX 4.0 ..........HFXMP-SLV-000238-15R
* Pinnacle Studio 9.0 ...............11111-11111-11111-11111-11111
* Pinnacle Studio 8.8.15 ............4517535441
* Pinnacle Studio 8.3 ...............1555856630
* Pinnacle steinberg clean plus 5....BBDPE-BAPLJ-BFVPA-GRRPA-DBZMA
* PowerQuest V2i Protector 2.0.......AY3A-PH7J-3FNQ-JPTR-YFGW
* PowerQuest V2i Protector 2.0.......AY3A-PH7J-3G4Y-ADQQ-HTWD
* PowerQuest Partition Magic 7.0 ....PM700ENEU-110965
* PowerQuest Drive Image 7.01........AY3A-PH7J-3DM6-R7KR-6XJT
* PowerDirector Pro 2.5 .............RR73146117139536
* Primavera Project Planner 3.0 .....50122-77293-2474-1104497
* Propellerheads Reason 2.5..........RSN250-0000-005336-NVV3-CGDJ-DR5Sv
* Propellerheads Reason 2.5..........RSN250-0009-101923-B4N8-UHBY-AP6X
* RED 1.5 Boris FX...................123708-326183-00615
* RED 1.5 Boris FX...................123348-366123-77695
* ReadIris Pro 9.0(OCR)..............438111400159753
* Route 66 Prof. 2004................2582121ZVNK26
* Roxio Easy Media Creator 7.0 ......YN-Y7WVY-CQXG6-K3KWZ
* Roxio WinonCD 6.0 DVD edition .....1C-HT789-SB62B-3YK12
* Roxio GoBack 3.03..................CB-ZM2VN-5YP61-7N1VD
* ScanSoft Dragon Naturally Speaking Preferred.........A109A-G00-006420
* ScreenBlast Acid 4.0 ..............FB-XZ51GN-JS8L5G-X3YVEX
* ScreenBlast Movie Studio 3.0 ......FC-TZPCH4-C2PNR3-FFTZ3X
Solidworks serial: 9980 0999 9191 7951 auth code: 7D9YY253
Solidworks office serial: 9980 0999 9191 7951 auth code: V0E3J979
Solidworks office pro serial: 9980 0999 9191 7951 auth code:
* Sonar XL...........................CWSX1.00-009999
* Sonic MyDVD Video Suite 4.0 .......BDVQHQBTDGYNHQVS3 IamaLOZER
* Sonic Foundry Video Factory 2.0 ...9L-Z13XJF-SDJ1P3-SNY76P
* Sonic Foundry CD Architect 5.0 ....B5-C4CLC3-ZOY85H-49WE8W
* Sony Pictures ScreenBlast MovieStudio F9-S431QS-K894NC-6LWNJP
* SPSS 12.0 .........................5676 5034 7681 8288 2379 1238 3252 9988 8641 9306 27
* Stainberg Clean 3.0 ............... ? DL23-8C73-24Y9-MS5 ili DZ08-FLU6-97K1-PM4
(Win9x S/N: ST22-Y7YM8VV-EPPNBY8-V8H)
(WinNT S/N: ST22-Y7YPG2Y)
Y210 root
ပထမဆံုး ေဆာ့ဖ္၀ဲကို ဒီမွာ ေဒါင္းလိုက္ပါ။Y210 ကို Extract လုပ္ပါ root.exe ကို run ပါ password ေတာင္းရင္ moemakha လို႔ထည့္ေပးပါ။ၿပီးရင္ Enter ႏွစ္ခါေခါက္ၿပီးရင္ waiting for device ေရာက္ရင္။ဖုန္းကိုပါ၀ါပိတ္ၿပီးဓါတ္ခဲျဖဳတ္ပါ။ 5 second ေလာက္ေနရင္ battery ျပန္တက္ၿပီး volume down+power key ကို တစ္ၿပဳိင္ထဲဖိၿပီး ကြန္ပ်ဴတာနဲ႔ USB ခ်ိတ္လိုက္တာနဲ႔ သူဘာသာ လုပ္သြားၿပီး software ပိတ္သြားပါလိမ္မယ္။ၿပီးရင္ ဓါတ္ခဲျဖဳတ္ပါ၀ါျပန္ႏိုးၿပီး Unknown sources ႏွင့္ Usb Debugging on ၿပီးကိုအဆင္ေျပတဲ့Software နဲ႔ root လုိက္ပါ။
unlock root အတြက္က ဒီမွာ ေဒါင္းလိုက္ပါ။အဆင္ေျပပါေစဗ်ာ...
SSC for Epson printer reseter
software download here သံုးနည္းကေတာ့ rar ဖိုင္ထဲမွာပါပါတယ္။pass: shogun
Sony မ်ားအတြက္ Flash tool
Xperia Mini (ST15i) ရဲ့ Firmware ေလးပါ
Web Proxy
Web Proxy ျဖင့္ေက်ာ္ၿပီး ဂ်ီေမးလ္ အေကာင့္အသစ္ အခမဲ့ ဖြင့္ႏုိင္
မိုးနဲသားေလး ထံမွ ကူးယူထားပါသည္။
Resetter Epson R240 R245 R250
EPSON Resetting Instruction1. Switch on printer
2. set the date to 15 February 2006
3. run adjprog.exe from the extracted folder
4. click accept
5. click particular adjustment mode
6. go to maintenance then Select waste ink pad counter then click ok
7. click on "check button" till its done then click on "initialization button" then click on "finish button"
8. switch off printer for 5secs then switch on again
9. After you reset succesfully, you can change the date back to normal
download here
YouTubeDownloader ေလးပါ။
download here အဆင္ေျပပါေစဗ်ာ....................................................
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